2024-04-25 14:07:02

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Winner 2013: Photons


Considered one of best teams in SBA for long, Photons grabbed a first title in Flag 2013.

Not The Last: SAMURAI


The only original teams other than Tigers still playing regularly in SBA, SAMURAI still failed to win a title after two straight losses and is the 1st runner-up in Flag 2013.

Photons First SBA Title


Photons beat SAMURAI a second time in one week and become the winner of Southorn Basketball Flag 2013.

One Last Chance


Defeated for only the first time in the Southorn Basketball Flag 2013, SAMURAI has one last chance to win a title on September 8, when they meet Photons a third time in two months before the summer time really ends.

SAMURAI Fight Photons on Sunday


Rested for three weeks, SAMURAI will play in the Final of Southorn Basketball Flag on Sunday against Photons, who is coming back from the loser bracket and looking for revenge.