2024-09-15 01:26:21

Gimme 5! — HOOPS.HK ver 2.0

2011.11.30 13:12

Read this if you visit HOOPS.HK often, skip this if you don’t use the Internet much. “Using Internet” includes web browsingFacebook-ing, Tweeter-ing, etc. Viewing the official homepage of Southorn Basketball Association homepage surely is one of them.

Now, everybody can sign up as an user in HOOPS.HK. There are mainly three kinds of users:

  1. Team Managers
  2. Players
  3. Normal users

1. Let’s put “Fans” for Normal users here, just to separate them easier than the other two while the status can be overlapping: To be a manager or player, you must be an existing user. You may sign up now or do it after reading this article. Fans of HOOPS.HK, so as players and managers, can:

  • Give Me Five” (畀個五我!) to all teams and ballers they like (right! just a copycat idea!!!), to cheer them up!
  • Write to the teams’ or ballers’ board

2. Team managers, as the name suggests, manage teams. (This is in fact a must-do for our teams) One of the most important things in our leagues is that, managers have to take care of the team’s roster and team member’s registration, as well as other administration affairs. From now, when a manager logs in, he can:

  • Add Team Photo on the team’s homepage
  • Change players’ status for up-coming games
  • Update players’ information, e.g. if he gets some extra weight or become taller, changed a new jersey number, played another position, etc.
  • Add league photos to the team homepage’s photo section from league galleries

3. Players, are the silly guys (may be girls!) who put on a strange uniform that looks the same (or very similar, but sometimes not, see Trojans) to four others on the court and some others on the bench. Let’s call them “BALLERS” here. Before you can login as a baller, your team’s manager have to link your user account to the particular player. As a baller, you can:

  • Change your player photo and your player information, including the display name
  • Update your Baller Page, e.g. add a “Poster”, change your slogan
  • Add league photos to the Baller Page’s photo section from league galleries
  • More silly stuff includes “Injury” and “Shoe”, where you can update your status if you get hurt, or bought a new pair of basketball shoes. Choosing “Shoe” can also help to find other ballers in the same brand-universe too. Who are wearing Anta basketball shoes?

Once you are in, you can find everything from the top menu bar~!

Thank you for reading, and hope this plagiarizing website continues to give you some fun and gain your support beyond the basketball court!

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