2024-09-15 02:38:52

We Are The Cha-N-pion

2012.06.17 15:54

Don’t worry. You are not having problem reading the title of this post, and we are not having a mistake either (well… technically it IS a mistake) — we are really having a “CHANPION” trophy:

After Trojans took away the first ever trophy for good with their third win last year, a new trophy is ready this year despite there is a minor (but critical and stupid) mistake by the trophy shop. We later decided we will call this trophy by this interesting and funny new name, and the team that can win it three times in the coming years can take it home for good — not only become a champion, but also a chanpion.

Another example of “serious typo” (well, at least they really need to correct it, and they did):


You may search for more spelling mistakes. Thank you for reading.

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