2024-09-08 07:28:36

Searching: giovanni rosa

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Rosa Scored New Record 42 Points


Rosa Giovanni (GRI #27) has a new scoring record yet again in Southorn Basketball League, and become the first player to reach the 40-point mark.

Here Come The Semi-finals


Charles Law (MLN #23) swished a go-ahead three-point basket and prevented Photons from defending their Championship.



(This is the Japanese version of this post entry) 写真の真ん中にいる人は、修頓バスケバール協会(SBA)初の外国人プレーヤーである。もちろん、ボールをシューティングしている栗髪男ではない。協会最初のゲーム以来、ずっと外国人の参加することがある。この昔からの伝統は現在までに、うまくいけば、将来にも続けるを見込んで喜んでいる。

Hoops Around The World

The first non-HK born player in Southorn Basketball Association is featured in the middle of the picture above. Of course, we are not talking about the one who is shooting the ball, even though he does have chestnut-coloured hair. Ever since the very first game hosted by the Association, we have had foreigners taking part, […]

GRIZZ Give Away Free Throws, and Game


Unbeaten EMPEROR edged GRIZZ to enter Final 2014.