Thank You SBL2013
2013.06.11 10:50
Here comes an end of another SBL season and credits go to you.
Thanks to our statisticians and referees for helping us another season of Southorn Basketball League, and of course also to our photographers and various other helpers, for instance, our “lord of (buying) the rings” who found those rings that many, many people said they look good. Great.
Thanks to all participated teams and their players and never forget to thanks those WAGs and fans (really fans around?). If your husbands (or fathers) did not say a word to your clapping hands and supportive screams (or saliva), we would like to thanks for them.
(Hope we did not missed anyone or anything)
We are looking forward to next season in 2014.
See you again soon.
Benny WongCindy LeeDickson ChauEugene WongGilbert FuHKBAJack ChiuJackie LaiJovi MaKen LeungLam Kin MingOlivia HungPatrick LaiStatisticiansWilson Chow
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