2024-10-18 13:16:42

Milestone Watch: Another 500 coming

2012.02.22 15:16


Michael Chan (SAM) scored 20 points on Feb 19 and passes Jerry Lee * for 2nd place in League scoring. He is now four points shy of becoming the second player to top the 500-point mark.

In 39 SBL games playing for SAMURAI and D.S.F., Michael is averaging 11.8 points and six rebounds and led the league in free throw, both made and attempt (115-226), in six years with a second best 68.6% ^.

Tabo Chak leads all players with 583 points. Tabo, Michael and Jerry (493 PTS, 48 GP) are still the only three players accumulated more than four hundred points, followed by other 350+ players in Benny Wong (SOU-394), Tsoi Chun Hong (DRE-379), Kwok Lit To (HFC-377), Chow Man Chun (DRE-368) and Leo Chow (GRI-353).

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* Jerry and Trojans are not in the League in 2012.
^ With at least 50 free-throw attempts.

Benny WongChow Man ChunJerry LeeKevin TsoiLeo ChowMichael ChanMilestoneNikko KwokPTSTabo Chak
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