Eric Leung (SAM #6) did not score 17 points or make five treys again, but his running layup put SAMURAI up by two points late in the 4th period, a lead he and teammates sustained and beat Explorers 33-29 in the second game of the Original Four series.
Eric’s three-point shot that broke the tie turned out to be the game-winner for SAMURAI’s 26-23 victory over Photons, which had their first loss of the season.
[ O4 Day 1 Game 2] SAMURAI collapsed in regulation, M.I.B. win overtime game.
[ Mar 11 Round-Up ] Chung Sing now 5-0, Ryders and SOUTHORN Tigers still win-less
GRIZZ 21, Matrices 37 Coming off a loss in the 3rd-place game in Southorn Basketball League, GRIZZ continued their struggle despite the return of Fu Ka Wai (GRI #4), who was fouled out with one point. With half the team players came from Wild Six, who win this Flag series last year, Matrices will face […]
卓麟鬥卓倫.堅毅克力行 【 HOOPS.HK 專訊】「肥波」張嘉銘和「周七」周德基一跳,堅毅力行大戰一觸即發。兩班超齡同學仔換上白綠兩色球衣,6 月 26 日齊集於灣仔修頓室內場館,跟從立法會地理分區模式,打出一分咬住一分上的緊張戲碼。分數或許已忘,哪位最好波也拗不出結論,惟有一點雙方達到一致共識:「件波衫質地都算唔錯」。 在 DOS 印錯球衣的狼狽情況下,球賽仍然順利舉行。第一節黎卓倫表現不錯,連入兩球再搏得罰球,一連為力行帶來 5 分進帳。堅毅恃著有「 Wong Sir 」黃維俊的殺食體能,企圖以全場緊迫人釘人的戰術,控制局面,可惜並不湊效。此時堅毅隊方翊宇更豪送 Eric 梁振權兩個罰球,令人懷疑方想以此賀對方新婚。第一節堅毅稍為領先力行 1 分 11 比 10。 第二節再換入全場最年輕,有「高記方大同」之稱的周定國入場,周的女友即吹 pong pong 支持。場外 pong pong 聲這時始起彼落,只見球證一對子女,以 pong pong 打氣為名、追打洋姐妹為實,不過總算搞點起氛。回望場內,第二節堅毅稍欠毅力,一度落後 18 比 20 逾 2 分鐘之久,連計分員翟太也難掩悶容,幸好臨完場前 2 秒,「肥波」接得黃奕楠傳球後射入一球「 Buzzer Beater 」,半場完前追成平手。 易邊後,萬綠叢中一點紅、堅毅隊「絲襪男」黃奕楠接應廿年老友「肥熙」謝冠熙傳送,先入一記三分球,隨後「肥波」兩罰中一,將比數拉開至全場最遠的 6 分距離。 第三節,堅毅力行兩隊的 12 號均有出色表現,陳卓麟 4 個罰球全中,另一位「卓倫」亦在人叢中為球隊帶內兩分,「波神」區志超亦投入一記遠程三分球,之後雖然另一球中距離跳投「炒粉」,但「周七」搶得進攻籃板後隨即補中,力行隊連搶 7 分製造小小高潮, 以 27 比 26 搶回領先優勢。 此時「方大同」周定國接應快攻先取兩分,替堅毅再次取回領先優勢,力行黎卓倫又頻頻失手,更連兩球罰球失手。比數膠著達數分鐘之久,直到第三節完場前不到一分鐘,方翊宇一記「 90 度擦板」入球才打破悶局。第三節完結前只剩下 […]
Leo Chow scored 12 of this a game-high 14 points in the final period to put GRIZZ atop the FLIGHT Division, and the loss ended SAMURAI‘s season in just the middle of May.
SAMURAI played their best game this season but faced the toughest match-up against Dream Team. The 38-46 loss dropped them to 0-3 and is one of the only two win-less team in the FLIGHT Division.